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How to open Calibre’s e-book viewer

There are several ways in which you can open the e-book viewer. Here is one example:

  1. Open Calibre’s library organizer.
    • (Windows) Open the Calibre Portable folder and double-click calibre-portable.exe.
    • (Linux) Type “calibre” into a Terminal window.
    • (Macintosh) Double-click the calibre application where you copied it onto your file system from the adventurous-calibre dmg.
  2. Click the Add books button in the upper left.
  3. Navigate to the location where you’ve saved the e-book on your file system and click Open. The e-book will appear in the list in the library organizer.
  4. Select the e-book from the list.
  5. Click the View button located at the top of the window.

Open ebook Function

From within the viewer, you can open an e-book using the third button from the top. You can select an e-book from your file system or from a list of recently opened e-books.

Interface Toggle Function

The e-book viewer has two interfaces, which you can switch between using the toggle button in the upper right. When it is depressed, you’ll be viewing the “Calibre” interface where all the sections in the open e-book are listed in the Table of Contents. When it is pressed, you’ll be viewing the “Adventurous Reader” interface where the “Table of Contents” is a network of nodes representing sections.

Table of Contents Function

The Table of Contents button, the button with the blue bars on the left in the e-book viewer, displays and hides the Table of Contents, an interface that displays all the sections in the open e-book. While the Calibre and Adventurous Reader interfaces display this information differently, they have similar features. For example, you can click a title in Calibre’s Table of Contents or click a node in Adventurous Reader’s Table of Contents to jump to the location of the corresponding section in the text. You can pan and zoom Adventurous Reader’s Table of Contents to get a better view. Click and drag the background to pan the view. Use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.

Back and Forward Functions

The Back and Forward buttons located at the upper left of the e-book viewer work similarly to the Back and Forward buttons in a web browser. When you click hyperlinks in an e-book’s text, your current position is added to your history before you jump to the location the link points to. The Back and Forward buttons allow you to jump between these positions in both the Calibre and Adventurous Reader interfaces.

Resize Function

You can resize the Table of Contents panel by clicking and dragging the bar separating it from the text panel. You can resize the entire e-book viewer by clicking and dragging any of the edges or corners.