
Wikipedia section displayed in the WikiNatural 3D Web Browser
A section of a Wikipedia page displayed in WikiNatural.

WikiNatural, the brainchild of Adam McManigal, is a 3D web browser for Wikipedia. In theory, users can browse through information faster when it is spread over the X- and Y-plane as opposed to one long page. WikiNatural also provides a map that tracks what pages you’ve visited and in what order.

This was my capstone project as an undergraduate Computer Science student. I co-developed it with Adam McManigal, Heather Shadoan, and Kyle Doyle at the University of Montana in 2013. At the time, we called it Natural Web, but that name is quite common, so I renamed it. At the time, I created the map layout, panel layout, user interface controls, and animations. Recently, I implemented retrieving Wikipedia pages with PHP and AJAX.

The map available in the WikiNatural 3D Web Browser.
Part of a map of visited Wikipedia pages displayed in WikiNatural.

You can explore WikiNatural here.

If you need help, you can find documentation in its GitHub repository here.