The Twelfth Hour – I made it three-fourths of the way through revising Chapter 7 in the past two weeks. Also, I discovered a Twitter event called PitMad where authors post an elevator pitch of their ready-to-publish novel with #PitMad. Agents and publishers can browse these pitches and those that they Like are considered an invitation to send a formal query to them. This event is held about once every three months, and the next two occur in March and June next year. I’d like to participate in at least one of them and see what happens…
Shattered Soul – Besides that, I continued programming on Shattered Soul. I’m now in the middle of refactoring part of a system I wrote about five years ago. The new system is pretty awesome… but then again, I thought the old system was pretty awesome. Indeed, it did serve its purpose pretty well for getting the tech demo off the ground, but I didn’t think it was flexible enough. It needed a component design, not a hierarchy! 😀
Other – Christmas is coming. Can you tear yourself away from your work long enough to plan what presents you’re going to get anyone? I know I have a hell of time doing that. Also, everyone in my family hates stuff right now (because our house is full of fifteen years worth of crap we haven’t unpacked/burned). So I’ll be figuring that out next week. In other news, I’m editing another novel for someone. Thankfully, this novel isn’t as enraging as the last one I critiqued. It’s not free of problems, but it is, by far, the most entertaining and cohesive novel I’ve edited.