
The Twelfth Hour

I’ve basically finished the current draft of The Twelfth Hour, but now I’m converting it to standard manuscript format. I did finish my second pass through the whole book before December 12, so I still say I “finished” it before my deadline though! This final pass through the book includes formatting it and fixing minor wording and continuity errors. I’m currently at the end of Chapter 10, but I’ll need to skim the whole book one more time to fix some last-minute appearance changes. I recently made the mistake of reading up on eye colors and realized my cast probably has too many blue-eyed people. Yes, two families compose the majority of the twelve-person cast, but they don’t both need to have rare eye colors. 🙂

Next week, I’ll start writing a new full synopsis and write up some promotional materials for beta readers. The new deadline for finishing these final details is the end of December.


After a little more testing, trial, and error, the new registration process I implemented for OokiiSoraCon is now live. Go register for OokiiSoraCon 2019 if you’re in the Helena, MT area!