
Twelve’s Design

The first chapter of Twelve’s Design went through Critters again last week. I got two beta readers on that but no one to read the entire book, but that’s okay. My second beta reader from Goodreads is turning out to be a nice sanity checker, so I’m done seeking beta readers and easing back into editing. Currently, I’m mapping what changes I’ll need to make in the next draft. Changes EVERYWHERE! I’m “almost” done and ready to go back to editing. The “almost,” however, hinges on fitting together all the pieces that made the cut and the replacements for the ones that didn’t in the last four chapters. That could take some time to figure out.


I formally proposed a design for this year’s OokiiSoraCon project and started building a prototype for the web application part of it. That half will have a PHP backend and the data visualization half will probably be a Unity 3D application.


NuCamp started. Last week, we got our development machines setup. This week, we’re starting to learn Bootstrap, which should help me make the OokiiSoraCon web application look at least decent. This week we’re also writing proposals for our portfolio projects, which will likely be the applications we develop steadily for the next five months. I’m a bit conflicted between pursuing The Writer’s Net and That’s Not An Argument. Or I could just team up on someone else’s project because, well, my projects tend to be a bit insane and impractical. 😛