
Twelve’s Design

A time has passed since I last wrote one of these updates! In the past… month, I finished piecing Twelve’s Design back together and started editing. I “finished” revising Chapter 1, and if all goes well, I’ll get halfway through Chapter 2 by the end of this week. I’ve really tried to slow down and make the characters explain why they believe what they believe in this draft. This has produced some interesting side effects. First, it’s made it clear what aspects require more thought and explanation on my part. Second, the crazy characters have gotten crazier and the asshole characters, assholier. I love my loveable, crazy assholes… Third, the protagonist’s narration is changing quite drastically, but never has he expressed his thoughts and motivations so clearly. It’s great all around!


I finished a good chunk of the OokiiSoraCon AMP-stack web app and styled it with Bootstrap. The next steps include password protecting it, adding some database logging and user tracking features, connecting its data to a Unity 3D visualization, and creating that Unity 3D visualization. I’m not as far along as I’d like, but I suppose I am learning and using the MERP-stack to build a completely different web app at the same time.


Speaking of, for my MERP-stack web development course, I decided to build The Writer’s Net. Last month, I created a layout of all its pages in Bootstrap. It looks much nicer than what I threw together in .NET last I attempted to build this site! This month we’ll learn React, and I’ll implement everything using that framework. We’ll see how much of this I can complete in the next four months. The main goal of this class, and the OokiiSoraCon project, however, is to get more comfortable with web development. That has been a success so far.